No girl story here and I know I've told this story before on here, but... There was a used/collectable record store in OKC. The owner's name was Alexander -- a very tall man who dressed like a metal god with black vest and white tuxedo shirt and had long, stringy black hair. He regularly performed and ran karaoke shows with his unnaturally high voice and was an amazingly nice guy. My bby blasmo
I love this album. Used to have a print of it on a blasmo
Crazy Rhythms or My Aim is True or Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash or the MacColl album Jermoe mentions. God, that was fun to blasmo
Y'know...I forgot the post from Aitch that changed the subject matter. I was really impressed and surprised both by how many songs you guys knew with the phrase "blow job" in them and how many actual songs actually had the phrase "blow job" in them. And then I tried locating the phrase in "Mr. Tambourine Man", and was embarrassed to myself at the blasmo
Damn! Looked at the list and not the dates. What an awesome blasmo
I'm calling that an amazing song. Completely forgot about it. Out comes the Eye blasmo
Holy shit. I can't wait!by blasmo
BNK. At least LIC got a decent movie blasmo
I think the true measure of this answer is how much you like Frank blasmo
I've often said that, song for song, the best album I can think of is Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's Greatest Hits. I've loved those songs for so long and so deeply that this one hurts. They are amazing combinations of talent and emotion I don't think have been equaled -- true once in a lifetime moments. And there are 12 of them on that blasmo
Spanish Harlem. That alone gets him blasmo
Stairway to Heaven. American Pie, post first verse and blasmo
Here's "People, Let Me Get This Off My Chest," a collection of Paul Stanley's greatest crowd blasmo
"I'm sure there's one out there somewhere, and regrettably, it's only a matter of time before the world hears him." Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thank you for blasmo
Completely f****d that post up. I meant One-Sided Story. Love Junk bashes all the way through, and has one of its best songs as a CD-only track: "Down on Him". I don't think OSS comes to life until either "Something Physical" or "No Safe Place". "Shave Your Legs" is a beautiful song. Post Edited (08-07-11 15:06)by blasmo
Love Junk gets better as it goes, but the first 2-3 songs aren't that good. I remember the disappointment upon hearing them, but a good mixtape/CD takes care of blasmo
I miss that blasmo
The older the recording, the more it needs blasmo
I think he's there to meet Charisma Carpenter. If my friend Sterling was going to be there, I might join him just for the chance, blasmo
"As for Sheffield, he flip-flopped his comparison of London Calling and Sandinista! a decade later, in the latest Rolling Stone Record Guide." Thanks for the update. I like Sheffield's points and ideas, but sometime his writing quirks can be a bit blasmo
The Spin Magazine Record blasmo
Sheffield thinks Sandinista is a better album than London Calling, so, yeah, what does he know? My problem with Yes had always been Jon Anderson. I don't like his voice, and I think his lyrics are shite. However, you don't listen to Yes for their lyrical acuity, you listen for the music. I was waiting to hear some of this forum's opinions on the new Yes album. I heard it was prettby blasmo
Spot on, blasmo
Yup. The Ryko reissue had many of the songs live, done as they were supposed to originally be recorded, and they blow the album versions far, far away. North is at least slightly interesting. GCW is annoying. And yet I dislike The Juliet Letters the blasmo
I remember looking in a bargain bin, before almost any of Sparks' stuff had been released domestically, and seeing the spine that read "The Best of Sparks". Utter happiness was followed by enormous disappointment, and I *like* that album. The Jason and the Scorchers Are You Ready for the Country Vol. 1 was re-released as Both Sides of the Line, minus the bonus blasmo
Rob Sheffield -- The Smiths Jon Savage -- Sex Pistolsby blasmo
I'd tell my younger self not to buy so many goddamned laser blasmo
Is there a band named Biletnikoff? 'Cause that's a great band blasmo
STEVE, I had the exact same experience with the SNL show. I was maybe 7 and walking around singing, "What's the word?/Johannesburg" all over the place and it moved me to study South Africa and Apartheid. Heron was amazing. I was listening to "We Almost Lost Detroit" a couple of days ago and wondered what he was going to do next. Damn. Post Edited (05-28-11 17:37)by blasmo
Not the biggest fan of her music, unless its huge and bombastic, like "Bad Romance", which I do love. When she's conventional, such as with ballads and her earlier singles, I'm not interested. As a celebrity, I think she's a blast -- someone who is (or was) out there and still popular, and who uses her fame to support her causes completely. Other celebrities talk about gaby blasmo