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Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…

Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 03, 2024 04:58PM
Little Steven’s expecting you:


Not likely I’d be able to afford to fly all the way to Miami, and then buy a ticket for the cruise, but if they do one leaving from the West Coast, I would seriously consider it. Pretty killer lineup. (Even if I still don’t understand Social Distortion’s enduring popularity, but maybe they’re great live?)

I was wondering if we would ever get cruises like this, since there’s all those crappy “classic rock“ cruises and whatnot.

If only they got Jack Jones, I’d be crawling over grandma to get there!
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 04, 2024 08:02AM
Oh man, this is indeed a choice lineup for a cruise like this! Too bad I'm not able to book a cabin for me and the missus.

And yes, Social D is an excellent live act. At least they were, both times I saw them in Denver. Haven't seen them since moving to Seattle.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 04, 2024 08:40AM
The Misso and I like a cruise, and this would make up for the extremely lame Elvis cruise we recently undertook. We were expecting the cheesy stuff, but not the man overboard. True story.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 04, 2024 01:29PM
Huh?! Elvis overboard?

This is during the schoolyear, so the fam can't go, but Mrs Fab actually said I could go by myself. Need a roommate, Heff?
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 05, 2024 11:33AM
Ha! Well, my wife might have an issue with that.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 04, 2024 11:03AM
I went ahead and signed up for the pre-sale lottery so we'll see if I can get anything worthwhile (cabin-wise). I've seen Social Distortion* and X enough that I can skip those but some of the others are pretty cool - Untamed Youth, they just reunited so I would be up for that.

*I just saw them with Bad Religion and Bad Religion blew them away.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 07, 2024 11:44AM
new bands added: The Baseball Project, Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3 , and The Minus 5

3 bands that I believe feature many of the same members: Wynn, Scott from the Young Fresh Fellows, Peter Buck...
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Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 07, 2024 02:44PM
Somehow I doubt Buck will be there. Mike Mills is also part of the Baseball Project; I could see him joining. Also, the Coolies is not the Atlanta band of 'Doug' fame but a group made up of Palmyra Delran (Friggs), Melanie Vammen (Muffs among others) and the late Kim Shattuck.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 07, 2024 04:02PM
I don't know where their appearance on the cruise fits into the schedule, but the Baseball Project currently on tour has both Buck and Mills in the lineup (along with Wynn, his drummer/spouse Linda Pitmon, and McCaughey).
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Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 07, 2024 05:50PM
Saw Baseball Project last year at Brooklyn Made where it was that same lineup (with Buck and Mills) and it was a lot of fun. Their gear even still had "R.E.M." printed on it which was bittersweet as I never saw R.E.M.

I've seen Buck and Mills only one other time, both separately, and it was for tribute shows: the Nuggets anniversary show at City Winery in Buck's case and a tribute to Big Star's Third at Summerstage in Mill's case.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 07, 2024 06:24PM
Ah ha! Well, Lenny Kaye's appearance for this cruise is being described as another all-star Nuggets-fest, so maybe they will be (if you'll pardon the expression) on board for that as well.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 08, 2024 04:03PM
I certainly hope this cruise doesn't run into any sort of maritime calamity. I'd hate to see so many great bands/musicians end up lost at sea.

(I just re-checked the line-up. Fortunately, these guys aren't on the bill.)
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 09, 2024 08:10AM
Coming from County Cork, at least they'd float.
Re: Punk…Exciting and New…Come Aboard…
June 12, 2024 11:40AM
They just added Mark Lindsay and the Grip Reeds among others.
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