More Fun in the New World...
July 24, 2023 12:45PM
Was quite shocked and perturbed to wake up this morning to the news that a certain rich inventor guy who took over a social media co has changed its' birdy-related name to, of all things, X. And the website directs to it.

John Doe, Exene, and the rest of the free world needs to rise up against that. I call for massive X-related programming on radio/podcasts/wherever to salute the true X. Who knows, maybe they can get some good publicity out of this nonsense?
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Re: More Fun in the New World...
July 24, 2023 03:37PM
Knowing Exene and Billy Zoom's politics, they probably think Elon Musk's a great guy (whatever it means for the band's name.)
Re: More Fun in the New World...
July 24, 2023 11:13PM
Let’s get the Australian X on board, then. Apropos that their debut is called X-Aspirations.
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