
  • Teengenerate
  • Audio Recording (Cruddy Record Dealership) 1993 
  • Get Action! (Crypt) 1994 
  • Savage!!! (Sympathy for the Record Industry) 1994 
  • Smash Hits! (Estrus) 1995 
  • LIVE at Shelter (Target Earth) 2001 
  • Tweezers
  • Already! (Japan. Time Bomb) 1997 
  • Raydios
  • Original Demo Recordings (Ger. Screaming Apple) 1998 

Initially known as the American Soul Spiders, this Tokyo foursome (Fink, Fifi, Sammy and Suck, later replaced by Shoe) named after a Dictators song filters a love for traditional garage-punk through the lo-fi fast-and-hard aesthetic with exciting results. It’s significant that the band attacks songs by the Queers (“Kicked Out of the Webelos”) and Bill Haley (“Shake, Rattle & Roll”) with equal spirit on the seventeen-song recorded-in-one-day Get Action! Meanwhile, singer/guitarist Fink’s originals maintain a consistent level of enthusiasm. The same is true of Audio Recording: eleven numbers cut with Scott McCaughey in Seattle one Friday in June ’93. Covers include “Shake a Tail Feather,” Chuck Berry’s “Baby Doll” and Radio Birdman’s “Burn My Eye.”

The best bet for new converts would have to be Smash Hits!, a compilation drawn from Teengenerate’s prodigious catalogue of indie single releases: ace versions of songs by the Zeros, Nervous Eaters and Pretty Things stand alongside the band’s frantic originals.

[Scott Schinder]