In 1966, young trumpeter Tommy Peltier cut an LP (recently reissued) of his compositions as leader of the Jazz Corps, which at the time featured multi-reed jazz titan Roland Kirk. Nearly 30 years later, Peltier reinvented himself as an elfin singer/songwriter/synth-guitarist…and it works, with an oddly dignified grandiosity, counterpoising airy-fairy songs about “Angel Feathers” with earthy images of Louisiana. Blending precious pop, classical, jazz, New Orleans R&B and a dollop of gospel, Peltier’s leaps from arch (almost British-sounding) baritone to startling falsetto are matched with Lynn Fanelli’s more conventional (but darned soulful) warbling, propelled/embellished by Peltier’s quasi-orchestral (if somewhat undermixed) synth-guitar, Louie Spears’ stand-up bass (plucked and bowed) and Timm Boatman’s percussion (more evocative than many a full set of traps).