[This review was first published in Badaboom Gramophone #3 and appears here with permission.]
While quirky sound stylists like Stephin Merritt of Magnetic Fields and Momus reach far and wide to create their odd electronics, Swedish popster Doktor Kosmos (Uje Brandelius, who is/was also a touring member of Komeda) is content with the limitations of a Casio keyboard. Everything on Cocktail was created with this one machine, resulting in a sound which evokes the eerie feeling you may have come up with some of these melodies yourself while futzing around with your toys. Many of these songs sound like he may have just hit the “Samba” button and sang over it. Still there is something oddly appealing about hearing this within the context of, say, the simply worded “Porno-Person” (“I’m the porno-person / Doing porno things / Eating porno food / Driving porno car”). Sweden must be fun, eh?