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The one about a post-punk bassist and a hit TV show

The one about a post-punk bassist and a hit TV show
February 07, 2024 11:31AM
I read this today on Wikipedia about Russell Webb, former bassist in the Skids and PIL, among others.

"...Webb retired from performing to design board games. Following a discussion with Richard Branson at the latter's knighthood party, Branson agreed to take Webb's first board game (4 years in the making) entitled Lost to Necker Island for play testing with his family and children. The play testing was a success, but no game was released. Instead it became the initial inspiration for JJ Abrams' hit TV show Lost, for which Webb was never credited."

HOWEVER, the Lost Wikipedia page makes no mention of Webb???

I haven't researched this any further, but it's quite an interesting story!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2024 02:10PM by zoo.
Re: The one about a post-punk bassist and a hit TV show
February 07, 2024 08:15PM
Judging by that final episode, there's every chance he was omitted from the credits by his own request.
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