One of Boston’s early punk scene stars, Thundertrain (actually from Natick, MA) was really just a confused bar band in glam duds that got caught in the crossfire when new wave crashed into America. Having already released a pair of singles (one of them titled “Hot for Teacher” well before the Van Halen song of the same name), the quintet was immortalized on the seminal (if not exactly good — a chronic problem of such albums back then) Live at the Rat compilation. Teenage Suicide was one of Amerindie’s first full-length albums, and likely the first by an individual band in the Boston area. History aside, it’s little more than routine rock ‘n’ roll — like Aerosmith, minus the obnoxiousness — with plenty of guitar noise and singer Mach (Mark) Bell’s sneery shouting.
Bell, in a fitting sequence, later joined the Joe Perry Project, became a school teacher and then in 1996 formed a group called Last Man Standing.