
  • Philisteens
  • The Philisteens (Radio Free America) 1982 
  • Turn Up the Music EP (Radio Free America) 1982 
  • Bright Blue Gorilla
  • Bright Blue Gorilla (Hol. Virgin) 1993 
  • Sunflower Sky (Hol. Virgin) 1994 
  • Mantra for the American Jungle (Monkey C Monkey D) 1997 
  • Strange Strange Dream (Monkey C Monkey D) 1997 
  • Ice Cream and Other Flavors (Monkey C Monkey D) 1998 
  • Lotus (Monkey C Monkey D) 2000 

Balancing old-fashioned melodies and raw power can be a tricky business, and this ill-tempered Albuquerque trio batters its material like a punching bag. Though ultimately wearying, The Philisteens does offer exhilaration when consumed in small doses. The band slams through such numbers as “I Get Mad” and “Punch in Punchout” with a combination of punk brutality and metal swagger. By the time of Turn Up the Music, the group was resident in Albuquerque and had taken on enough vestiges of power pop to field three-part harmonies. Craig Leon produced.

Moving to Los Angeles, Philisteens drummer Michael Glover switched to guitar and vocals to lead the Michael Glover Band for a time and then became an actor, playwright and half of a folk-pop duo called Bright Blue Gorilla.

[Jon Young / Ira Robbins]