
  • Lune
  • Sill (Aesthetics) 1997 
  • On the Cutting Room Floor (Aesthetics) 1998 
  • Blameless (Crow Point) 2000 

[This review was first published in Badaboom Gramophone #3 and appears here with permission.]

Around the start of the ’90s, bassist Jeff Goddard (more recently of Jones Very, Moving Targets and Karate) hooked up with guitarist Brad White (formerly of Toadstool) to form the Lune.  Drummer Mark Romano completed the lineup of this low-key Boston trio which blends intense rhythms, intricate time signatures and amazingly original ideas. Sill is a seven-song mini-album that primarily consists of guitar-led instrumentals with a few vocals by White. On the Cutting Room Floor, however, leans toward bluegrass, country, be-bop and jug band music, using accordion, trumpet, harmonica, violin, piano, banjo and pedal steel.

[Ken Dyber]

See also: Karate