if there are outtakes = pose pose vs. iconic band photo : defineby Paganizer
priceless portmanteau proferred absurdity almost = branson to rotten "join devo"by Paganizer
don't know what the article said (since OP posted cold link) but it's worth noting a) he has opined with his answer to that very question in the past as a public speaker and elsewhere c) he's one of the only producers that doesn't take points e) loved me some Songs About Fucking over the weekend what a genius album (but better than Rapeman or Atomizer? Couldn't tell!)by Paganizer
a list over 100by Paganizer
QuoteThose ware good kids ..that were there to pick up their grandparents? Were they standing in back with their arms crossed? Were they congregating bar-adjacent in the lobby and talking about back-in-the-day when they used to see S-K and BTS? Post Edited (11-17-14 01:59)by Paganizer
Magazineby Paganizer
Ha! I was just listening to the new L Cohen. Also, new Cymbals Eats Guitars one of year's best. Post Edited (10-31-14 06:48)by Paganizer
Amazing what a little power can do for a corporation, like U2, getting in bed with a nearly identical one. Post Edited (10-13-14 22:41)by Paganizer
One of my favorites was Butthole Surfers on Garry Shandling, where King and Gib ask him to hang. "Butthole and surfing shouldn't be put together. Someone's ass is gonna get waxed". The original Letterman (trainers and serious irreverence) had great musical guests but Fridays had a bunch, too. Post Edited (09-10-14 00:30)by Paganizer
On Letterman last night the NPs excellently performed a track from their (so far disappointing) new LP and I see that Coco Hames (The Ettes) was on vox/acoustic. Was this a one-off or is she in the lineup? I hope it's the latter when they play here (with Pains!!). Anybody know?by Paganizer
That makes sense. And it's probably still played in some radio markets, too, and movie soundtracks. I was thinking of the deeper cuts, the band as a whole, seems like should be remembered more, rather than the one hit wonder remembrance. But that would really be a different category. (One hit wonders that really aren't, like DeVo).by Paganizer
Now we know who's been editing Nova's wiki page... Rollerskate Skinny had to be known first to be forgotten. Unrest (big deal for a short time - the players are remembered more than the music) Strapping Fieldhands (critic darlings forgotten) Soul Asylum (Hang Time, one of greatest LPs, is still the worst seller in their catalog; 80s album but 90s band) Pale Saints (shoegaze forgotteby Paganizer
QuoteAnd what's an '80s party without some hair metal? One without fights, cheep beer in a can, kids asleep in parked camaros, def leppard t-shirts, mullets, and women with misspelled breast tatoos? A list of p-fork indie songs doesn't exist. A comp of hair bands and I'm killing myself. Post Edited (08-25-14 19:27)by Paganizer
Glancing at that list, my top 200 share maybe 2. But I routinely sneer at Pfork's bad taste, so, no surprise (though their album reviews are close, they don't follow their own accolades, ignoring their own top-reviewed albums). How to understand the math of a P-fork list: Writer 1*: 1. Kanye - I am Your God (feat. $leepy and Bon Iver) 2. Azaleia Binks - $tanky Ta$te (feat. Tyme Traby Paganizer
Ian's voice has always been like that live. It's just a weird voice. Heavy smoker though, so that's had to have damaged somewhat. I'm not huge on him anyway, but Will is one of the most inventive guitarists evah. Somewhere I've probably over-explained why (in phrasing, texturing, arranging he stands unique) I'm surprised they didn't do Lovers, off the latest,by Paganizer
Dick Wagner A guitarists' guitarist Guitarist of choice on most Bob Ezrin productions have studied his style and riffs. you've heard him on: Billion Dollar Babies - arranger and lead guitar. think that incredible dueling solo with Steve Hunter on Raped and Freezin'. (first 4 bars) Kiss's lone good album - arranged the songs, lead and rhythm guitar, wrote some ofby Paganizer
There were boutique labels within majors in the 60s. I can't recall names. The first ones I can remember were Don Arden's Jet and Harvest, both with direct major label deals. There are so many ways of making deals and setting up labels that you'd probably have to define the parameters. Even a one-guy independent would sometimes have to deal with part of the majors' business cby Paganizer
Modest Mouse have been around for 20 yrs (unlike many Redditors) What bugs me is that the pick is always Good News, which is probably their worst (one of their best tracks + an hour of last-minute studio bleating) , or Lonesome Crowded, which is still second to Antarctica. Post Edited (09-01-14 15:00)by Paganizer
Blanco Y Negro UK, and Reprise US. UK US 1st single was Creation Creation also did Munki, which was Sub Pop in US S.t.o. example: Sonic Youth on Geffen, yet epitome of indie band. s'why I preferred "underground". "independent of mainstream support and/or acclaim". Several books make this or that position about "indie" better than I, bby Paganizer
nose I'm not aware the band named them as an influence, but there were elements that sounded informed by BL, to use a current ref.point. Also a lot of Radar Bros. I noticed it live as well. guitar treatment/atmosphere, production notes, the M/F vox; the way that "Bring You Home" track is positioned as penultimate, is the track progression that BL has been using . "by Paganizer
QuoteWas it just replaced by synths? yes and no, imo, production values changed hohners, clavinets, rhodes and farfisas were way forward in the mix ca. 1973-1978 then gated reverb, envelope filtering and so forth took precedence there don't seem to be any studio go-to's like Billy Preston, Jules, Issac Hayes or Ian McKlagan anymore. I'm thinking a) Musicians don't speby Paganizer
Apples had to append Apples (in stereo) but were still known locally as just Applesby Paganizer
Household fame in the UK à la Springsteen this side of pondby Paganizer
I don't understand the thread, but when I was a teen I had my photo snapped at Haight & Ashbury.by Paganizer
Rammstein doesn't fit those requirements? SoM were way more mainstream than Finnish goth metal... I went through the Motorhead catalog and was surprised how much I liked. There were several that I missed or didn't know (even having seen them) and turned out Ace of Spades (the one friends used to drop needle) was not the best.by Paganizer
Criticisms all valid but would not have had arms wide enough for average viewer more important to tell a majority of people what went down than to-choir preaching Post Edited (07-17-14 04:49)by Paganizer
BEST Against Me - Transgender saw them premiere some of the material a year ago and you could see this was going to be a monster Malkmus - Wig Out best post-pavement LP, but back half better Pixies - Indie Cindy The 3rd EP combined with the others to form an LP. Plenty of great tracks. Non-fans and the under-30s don't get it. But then, I owned Doolittle for many years before I &qby Paganizer
Hence categories. Something will change your life. But where''s everybody else's?by Paganizer
An extremely busy year in indie music and keeping up meant (for me anyway) much exclusion for other media. Busiest I can remember. But fookin 'ell rewards were thick, with the unanticipated rollouts of career redefining statements from MBV & Bowie (a tactic then used by Beyoncé); chunky offerings by Nick Cave, Kurt Vile, BRMC, No Age, Los Campesinos, Arctic Monkeys, YLT, Waxahatchee, Tyby Paganizer
Wasn't it Colorado Springs?by Paganizer