works for Adidasby madisdadi
Does your voice sound high and lispy when you talk into it?by madisdadi
Speaking of which.......who gets to go up and accept the award? Mighty big stage to hold all of the Sabbaths ( including Terry Chimes of the Clash, half of Deep Purple, even Rob Halford sang with 'em fer chrissakes, not to mention every drummer who recorded with a "supergroup"). Which Blondie group gets the award? How many Skynyrds does it take to screw in a light bulb? And when thby madisdadi
what a coinkydink: I crashed trying to watch Run's House and had a dream about Ronnie or Johnnie or Donnie or some Van Zandt scalping tickets for the Who............................... BTW I saw that same tour when Skynyrd opened up for the Who and supposedly "blew the Who off the stage"......yeah, didn't happen at the show I attended, and when they dropped the Southern flag aby madisdadi
kieth richards is going to play johnny depps dad in the new pirates of the caribian's rated AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!by madisdadi
damn, I saw him a long time ago with Robert Gordon and he was madisdadi
"inferences", hell check out "Song of Joy" off the Murder Ballads cd. He takes direct quotes from "Paradise Lost"! His dad , Colin Cave, was an English teacher who did teach Milton classes, and was killed in a car crash in madisdadi
When Madness did AB they were on the floor dancing to Foreigner before they did their lip synch bit. It was fucking hillarious. Dick Clark looked madisdadi
the surf punks were in Urrrrrrgggg!!! A Music War...........................or did I drink too much cough syrup that madisdadi
plus bands denying they ever heard of Gang of Fourby madisdadi
stfu where the hell did you pick that bullshit up? MTV needs to screen their interns madisdadi
there is no such thing as a bad Kink's albumby madisdadi
"I'm On the Lamb, but I Ain't No Sheep"..............................the Minutemen covered "The Red and Black", hell Patti Smith even wrote lyrics for them and check that bass groove out in "Burning For You" not to mention that Handsome Dick name checked 'em on "Two Tub Man" madisdadi
The Shirts first album which when I got I played the hell out of it and tried to listen to it last night and couldn't get through the first song. THINGS I ACTUALLY BOUGHT Visage Blancmange the Orchids the Flirts Roman Holiday Bruce Wooley and the Camera Club The Fabulous Poodles (because I read about them in TP) Dead or Alive the Rok Kats Berlin ABC but everyone of those I remember some greaby madisdadi
The Runaways first album I bought when I was 13 and almost got me beat up the first time I put it on at a party...............fucking CREEM!by madisdadi
arrrrgy! I just spent 40 minutes trying to dig up my Wizard Lp and remembered I lent it out 3 years ago!by madisdadi
children of nuggets is no gooooood? say it ain't so! My kids are buying it for me for xmas (with visions of slickee boys dance in my head).............................. oh well maybe I can return it and break their heartsby madisdadi
Run Forrest run!by madisdadi
the UK too? Considering that Roxy Music to Heaven 17 to the Stray Cats to Dr and the Medics to Radiohead to the Kaiser Chiefs have had #1 hits at least for a week in the UK (this is from a life long addiction to NME) it would be hard to name them all. Just looking through the "A" review column I counted more than 10 UK #1 hit makers. CCR never had a #1 in America!by madisdadi
"Its Halloween" by the Shaggs, my all time fave, I slipped it into a cd mix of scary kids songs for my daughters pre-k class. When I picked her up on Friday, they were singing along to the Wiggins sisters!by madisdadi
hmmm 9 pm eastern is my kid's bedtime, we usaully read stories and tuck them in. I'll tell them I need to watch some half assed bullshit fake reality show on MTV (remember when they just showed videos) to better utilize my time,or when we are going to go on some family thing I'll tell my kids we can't so I can check it out on the website. Thanks for helping me set my prioritieby madisdadi
raunch hands vinyl :$2.00 skafish 1st album :$2.00 Dictators "Fuck'em if they can't take a joke" cassette: $1.50 Feelies "Only Life" cd: $1.50 Suicide Commandos "Make a Record" vinly : slipped it under my coat when the clerk stopped insulting me. Electric Dread vs Steel Leg EP :$2.50 Fripp and Byrne "Under Heavy Manners" :gave it to me to get me oby madisdadi
"Run's House...This show is great....Rev Run of Run DMC as a all need to check this out. It cracked me up. It's on MTV Thursday nights at 10pm." When they go on the other boards it's "Yo Run's House...........Shit is great!....Rev Run of Run DMC as a daddy! y'all need to check this out....shit cracked me up!...joint's onMTV Thursday Niby madisdadi
Ornette Coleman try Coltrane's "Jazz" or "Giant Steps" Mose Alison Wes Mongomery or try some organ jazz if you want something more greasy: Jimmy Mcgriff Kickin' the 3 compilation Blue Note Years Vol.3:Organ and sOULby madisdadi
Articles of Faith Gun Club Fleshtones New York Dolls Suicide Comandos Residents Cramps Germs Mekons PIL Pretenders Slits plus the above mentionedby madisdadi
i dunno, spin is okay there was a great peice about CBGBs in the August issueby madisdadi
clare married stephan lironi the guitar player from altered images. He produced Black Grape and worked with Alan Vega on a bunch of things. Unfortunately he also gave us Hanson and Bon Jovi "Destination Anywhere". Post Edited (09-11-05 07:52)by madisdadi
When I lived in Milwaukee in the late 70's there was this 7' guy with enourmous sideburns who always wore a plaid JC Penny short sleeve shirt. He was at every gig. He mainly stood by the side of the stage and drank beer with his left hand in his pocket. He rarely moved, but stood there like a guard, his head visible above the crowd. We called him "happening" after the song It&by madisdadi
Open Bar would be my fave maybe we can get the shoe gazer electronica whatever post guy to give us a description of the amazing blend of influences they sound madisdadi
don't forget the hack job he did on the Pretenders and he was responsible for all those fine Stevie Nicks albums until she hit the blow too hard and he walked out on her during the making of "Rock a Little". He then founded Interscope records which ruined madisdadi