ALBUMS 1. Fine Arts Showcase - Dolophine Smile While I'd much prefer to not be immersed in a song cycle chronicling the regret, disappointment, anger and betrayal of a relationship that has disintegrated; this effort by Gustaf Kjellvander and company was just far too compelling to set aside for any prolonged period of time this year. As a result, I played no other album nearly as much as Iby Shizzle
FAVORITE ALBUMS: 1. GLASVEGAS (GLASVEGAS) - In a musical landscape that seems to be dominated by quirky, hyperkinetic, souless Pitchfork bands or Folk passed off as Alternative Rock, it's refreshing to hear some bands out there still taking the rock n' roll route with passion and abandon. 2. DE NOVO DAHL (MOVE EVERY MUSCLE, MAKE EVERY SOUND) - Retro and energetic while retaining an Alby Shizzle
Buenos Tardes Amigo Brilliant for me on many levels, not the least of which is the twist at the Shizzle
The Velvet Underground are the best example of Shizzle
If the review of the first Roxy Music album and the introduction in The Clash review didn't totally sell me on the TP Record Guide when I first came across my Third Edition at my local Borders sometime in the early 90's, it was the review of the first Cheap Trick album that did it. The description of that album could move any Rock music fan with the faintest heartbeat to go out and immeby Shizzle
Johanna (Iggy & The Stooges) - This rehearsal tape version of Johanna off one of a plethora of Stooges bootlegs out there (Open Up And Bleed) is far more raw than the one that turns up on Kill City but remains the definitive one. Opening with some Morrisonesque bellowing and a slightly different set of lyrics, Iggy's emotional paradox is all that much more passionate. You're Gettinby Shizzle
Considering its highly venerated status, I'm a modern-day Hermey on the island of misfit toys when it comes to Astral Weeks. I'm completely underwhelmed by it every time I listen to it which is several times a year in the hopes that something will finally click or sink in. It hasn' Shizzle
I haven’t heard enough of 49:00 yet to render an opinion but I still maintain that his best solo records in no particular order are 14 Songs, Mono, Open Season (several of his songs on that soundtrack could have formed the core of a very solid Westerberg record) and Eventually. 14 Songs suffered the unfortunate distinction of following the last Replacements album but it simply contains too many oby Shizzle
Since this thread has somewhat morphed into a discussion on hard to find copies of LPs and CDs, I was surprised to see a little while ago that Holly Beth Vincent has made her two classic albums (The Right To Be Italian and Holly & The Italians) available on iTunes. This is great news for those who don't already have these digitally (Wounded Bird stopped reissuing them a while back) as cby Shizzle
Motorhead - No Sleep 'Til Hammersmithby Shizzle
rebelwithoutaclue wrote: "walk the line- would add on cashs comeback album period late in his life. the rick rubin period." This is an excellent observation. Upon seeing Walk The Line, the inclusion of Cash's latter-day resurgence with Rubin was the one thing that I thought was missing from that film. Although his late period material could never be compared to his early trailbby Shizzle
The mad hungarian, Al Hrabosky would top my list. And to make this an authentic Trouser Press post, the hard throwing reliever would enter to Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Franz Shizzle
Corey Hart Um, the singer, not the Brewers Shizzle
Quote : "That is why "Lola" is more powerful than anything Lou Reed ever wrote. Writing observationally of social misfits and deviants is one thing. It's quite another to write about desiring/being in love with one." If that's the criteria, then Coney Island Baby exemplifies the definition of Shizzle
Station To Station While he made many good albums after that one, it was his last true masterpiece. Six songs of varied Shizzle
Comparing Ziggy to Low or Heroes is comparing apples to oranges. To that end, very seldom has an apple been grown as perfectly as Ziggy whereas those two oranges aren't as sweet as critics would lead you to Shizzle
Quote: Yes, but, it's kind of silly to rate LOW or HEROES on a song-by-song basis. " Well, I'm not going to ignore sub-standard tracks and give them a pass just because they somehow mesh with the rest of the album's feel or mood. That's nonsense. Further, just because a body of music is based more on three chord rock n' roll doesn't make it any more shallowby Shizzle
Here Come The Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy are the best pair mentioned but then again Low and Heroes continue to be the most overrated records in the Bowie catalog. Sure, there is some great and stunningly original material on both of those Bowie albums but holier-than-thou critics continue to propagate the notion that one or both of them were his masterpieces despite the factby Shizzle
I agree that Car Wheels On A Gravel Road has all the earmarks of another pleasant, latte-styled album adored by nearly every critic across America: a basic prescription for tepid, uninspired, lackluster music. Even with all that going against it, it still turned out to be nearly as good as Shizzle
For me, the problem with Loveless is that it's far more revered for its overall sound and subsequent influence than it is for the actual songs contained therein. While it may be true that MBV hit on something sort of special and unique on that album, only a few of its songs (like the fantastic When You Sleep) were able to match that same high standard. Whatever one might deem groundbreakingby Shizzle
I recently watched parts of Les Yeux Sans Visage (a.k.a. Eyes Without A Face) the 1959 French horror film of sorts which served as some inspiration for Billy Idol's 1984 hit that invokes both the French and English titles in its chorus. That connection got me thinking about other movies that have been the direct inspiration for songs. However, the only other example I can think of off the tby Shizzle
All In The Family The Incredible Hulk (Lonely Man Outro) The Office Underdog Although this is my favorite for both the song and unmatched intro: SMDM The original version by Dusty Springfield, uh, not so much. SMDM Dustyby Shizzle
The Last Shadow Puppets may very well be the best album I've heard so far this year. Strange that I'm so enamored with a side project of a band that I'm not all that big a fan of to begin with (I like the Arctic Monkeys enough but don't see them as anything particularly special). Nevertheless, I really like the pervasive Scott Walker influence on this Puppets album. The Walkerby Shizzle
Blast Off is listed as after Roman Gods in the discographies I've seen. TP has it listed second after Roman Gods as well. I don't know which was recorded first. I don't think I had that Sugar album on my list but I did ultimately decide to leave EPs out of the equation for this exercise. Post Edited (04-27-08 10:16)by Shizzle
According to the parameters of what's listed in Jens' discography it is his second LP. What else is one to go by? However, it appears that I listed Roman Gods erroneously as the Fleshtones' second LP when it's their debut. I think I listed it when I was initially including EPs until I changed the Shizzle
As the resident Idol worshipper here on this board, I find Valley Of The Dolls unfairly maligned as well. Yes, it's certainly not on the level of the debut but the majority of that album is solid and a few of the tracks on it (English Dream, King Rocker) are among my Gen X favorites. That being said, both Idol and Andrews have expressed dissatisfaction with the way it turned out from Hunteby Shizzle
QuoteIn other words, Shizzle, you recognize that the album offers a good cross-section of what rock & roll is supposed to be all about. Agreed, Delvin. It also helps to bring me back to the basics when I feel like style is starting to take over for substance a little too Shizzle
QuoteThe Outfield were always in the same category for me as Toad the Wet Sprocket or Collective Soul - they were somebody I enjoyed hearing on the radio on occasion, but I was perfectly content to let them stay there. I hear what you're saying but with all due respect, I'd prefer to not hear Collective Soul on my CD player or on the radio. Now, I do have one Toad The Wet Sprocket CD sby Shizzle
Play Deep by The Outfield (in its entirety) is a strict listening requirement of mine for any long road trip. Power-pop perfection with the slightest tinge of new wave and nary a bad track in the lot. And while I recognize the album's adolescent simplicity, lyrical shortcomings, perceived low "artistic" worth and lack of influence, this is just one of many instances where I'mby Shizzle
Thanks for this. As great as it is, putting Just 14 as the opening track is bewildering enough but then putting Road To Emmaus and The Party's Over Now smack in the middle of the original release is absolutely befuddling. If they're going to go bonus track happy as least they should do it correctly. Not Gonna Be All Right and I Want To Live are pretty darn good bookends Shizzle