We are missing a Rammstein entry obviously. The ultimate stadium band.by nosepail
I'd buy that single!by nosepail
Anyone listening to the new Jesus Lizard today? I think it's a ripper after a 26 year absence. Doesnt explode from the speakers without the Albini production but still pummels. More and more I'm grateful when musicians I thought would never record again give me one more album. It feels like a gift from heaven.by nosepail
I went to this last week here in Boston. I had a great time. I loved the format. 5-6 songs from each of these acts was exactly the right amount I wanted. Thompson Twins got maybe 9-10. I guess we got the real Anabella's Bow Wow Wow. She showed remarkable energy and vivaciousness, though it did not much disguise the repetitiveness of the tunes. Men without Hats did Safety Dance twice (by nosepail
You nailed it Rhett. When the drums fully kick in on Yuri G, I pretty much orgasm every time. And then he ups the ante during the bridge with that absolutely incredible cymbal / percussion sound. Its breathtaking. And we haven't even gotten to Jesus Lizard yet. This band could be your life.by nosepail
Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! The only producer for whom I was almost guaranteed to love every album based on the sound alone.by nosepail
This story kinda made me horny, I admit. But then I thought about ELP and instantly lost it.by nosepail
Lyrics mean close to nothing to me. I can hear a song 200 times and not know the lyrics. It's probably because I cant sing and therefore do not sing along.by nosepail
Guided by Voices. Hands down. 50 years ago was 1973. If you make it 60 years, it changes the picture.by nosepail
I got a sneak peak how the sausage is made for this list, and it really has little to do with a rational understanding of what makes a good guitarist. Nonetheless I was happy to see Doug Gillard make the list (#238).by nosepail
I had the same surprise last week seeing Slowdive. I was expecting to see all olds like myself and was (pleasantly) surprised to behold a sea of young people with X's on their hands. Maybe the yoots are not that bad these days (?)by nosepail
I'm gonna see em too here in Boston!by nosepail
It'd be damn tough to beat Future Islands on Letterman ~10 years ago. Is there better? Do tell!by nosepail
Happy 60th birthday dude! I'm still in the throes of the collecting impulse! Sell me your black (not silver) discs!by nosepail
is that him on Feed ’Em to the (Linden) Lions ? I always loved the drums on that one.by nosepail
Froberg, guys, Froberg.by nosepail
How About I Be Me And You Be You was an excellent late career album of hers. Love the Lou Reed story! After hearing nothing except asshole stories about Reed for years, I am happy to hear he had some signs of humanity.by nosepail
I still exist Rhett! Nice to hear from you.by nosepail
Yank Crime is the greatest punk guitar album in history. If there's a heavier song than Here Comes the Rome Plows, I am yet to hear it. That first Jehu album and the Hand over First single aint too shabby either. I immediately ordered a Jehu tee shirt on hearing of the great Froberg's passing. Brilliant musician.by nosepail
What colleges did you look at? My son is trying to decide where to go. I figure a rock and roll guy would have some good advice.by nosepail
I've always dug it.by nosepail
I am so happy to see y'all again!by nosepail
Rammstein, Archers of Loaf, Beach Slang, Dambuilders...... All make me sad....by nosepail
Saw them a couple weeks ago here in Boston. It was the best rock and roll show I have seen in years. The band was still as tight as a ducks ass. Yow immediately launched himself into the pit. I spent a least a third of the night supporting him over our head while he howled and made hideous (but wonderful) indecipherable sounds. I fuckin' love those first 3 Lizard albums. That's asby nosepail
Glad to see Iceage getting some love. They've been the best punk band in the world since Fucked up went soft. Yeah, as a guitarist, makes me sad to contemplate life without guitars. But fuck Guitar Center. I've got the same gear I had when it was 14: Fender Strat, Marshall head and cabinet. No need to go to the Home Depot of musical instruments to upgrade.by nosepail
England is Mine. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Theoretically about Morrissey. But literally....nothing...happens...the...entire....movie. The filmmaker seems determined to show us nothing whatsoever that could possibly be interesting about Morrissey. In total, the events of the movie can be summarized as follows: Painfully shy and arrogant young man. At least 30 minutes in totaby nosepail
who?by nosepail
Has there ever been a good cover of Love Will Tear Us Apart? Is it possible? It's one of those songs that other artists seem to misinterpret the magic ingredient. Like those who play Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell as a slow R&B number. Or every cover of David Bowie's Heroes misses the desparation in the voice.by nosepail
Wow, that Andrew WK song is perhaps the most over-produced song I ever heard. Makes the CD reissue of Raw Power sound subtle. Gives me a headache. But that cover of "Every 1's a Winner" is great! What a perfect sludgy guitar base!by nosepail
Nice collection of tunes Steevee! Just went through them on youtube. However, are any of them rock? My soul needs rock.by nosepail