my 15 year old daughter d.j.'s tomorrow (at ) and needs to say what historical punk/alternative event happened some year on December 19. she found something about nirvana, but maybe with your help she can do better. thanks A LOT!by josefina
dale bozzio of missing persons was often on magazine covers or doing drum clinicsby josefina
i hear that nebraska is a good springsteen album because it is poetic. i haven't heard it, though. was there a hope for him at this stage?by josefina
i prefer an everything man to a superman - more josefina
i should say"should i stay" was the money maker, not the sell out, but i hear it in josefina
"rock the casbah" was supposed to be the hit but "should i stay or ..." ended up to be the sell out josefina
snips monochrome set p.i.l. pylon richard hell ian dury x human switchboar plastic bertrand Post Edited (01-20-06 14:28)by josefina
love tractor has come backby josefina
any suggestions as to where one might hear some bands in the durham/chapel hill area?by josefina
i need to experiment with it more. i thought that if it aligned songs in the same key and rythm, it might line up "give peace a chance" with "we will we will rock you." it is not random enough, josefina
wreckless eric - wreckless eric do you remember a band called medium medium who's hit was "so hungry, so angry" i don't quite understand this list - post punk. would urban verbs be too quirky? are the rich boys too rock n' roll. i lost my feel for music so... i like these lists. there is a structural quality that i have been missing from my life for maybe too manyby josefina
what is your opinion on the shins?by josefina
have you tried this website? it could be a help for d.j. block. "We ended up assembling literally hundreds of musical attributes or "genes" into a very large Music Genome. Taken together these genes capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song - everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rby josefina
worst double bill: billy bragg and new order at the ontario, d.c., summer of '82(?). it took forever for sold out the show to begin. billy bragg and the audience was insulting one another in a steam bathed, packed theater. when new order came on, the bassist was too drunk to play, the singer was swigging on a whisky bottle and the gig, short. however, it was written up as "... very nby josefina
well, in thinking of love tractor's version of neon lights, a kraftwerk song could work "with just one acoustic guitar and one vocal..."perhaps with energetic and rythmic strumming? i'll try 'tour de france' tonight and see what happens, probably a lot of coughing where the biker's breathing should be. Post Edited (01-07-06 19:41)by josefina
i didn't go out, not even for ethiopian food in adams morgan - perhaps the wine at mom's plus family patterning did me in. what i really wanted to see was billy hancock at the full moon b-b-q in silver spring. i think there was a john waters christmas show at nite club 9:30 which looked interesting as well as a double bill of chuck e. brown (visa, mastercard, amer-i-can express. gotby josefina
edison did have his positive qualities but i tend to see him more as "a bit of a prick" who rode on a lot of shoulders to which he failed to give credit, took advantage of and/or tried to destroy, particularly his employees, who did most of the inventing, ie, tesla who invented ac current. edison didn't pay tesla the money owed for inventing ac and then edison tried to smear ac cuby josefina
how about mac's, of superchunk, arcade fire?by josefina
altered images - happy birthday the the - uncertain smile (did it inspire p. shelley's 'homosapien'?) right said fred - i'm too sexy brian briggs - in the kitchen at parties tones on tails - go!by josefina
petty/ dylan/ dead at rfk stadium, d.c., just before garcia collapsedby josefina
does this help?by josefina
lewd reedby josefina
my first highschool concert was david johanson(sp?) and robert gordonby josefina
i don't like the static samples that she widely intoduced yet are very ppular to this moment. i don't knock her down and i am ignorant enough on the whole about everything rock n' josefina
is the fench cafe still open in minneapolis? d.c. was gutted out in the late 8o's thnks to the mayor 's penchant for construction conglomerate deals. austin is fine-i enjoy it, but i miss the old d.c. i grew up in - great multi-musical tradtions that i felt ran deep for american hisory but stayed VERY humble. boohoo. no surprise. here are some possibly, real exciting (relativby josefina
some double bills just sounded good, ie love tractor and dump truck though they did not tour josefina
i remember dogs barking jingle bells. there is dirk keysser : cluckng x-mas songs and then s&M&M&M ; one of there songs is about you never gave me anyting for x-mas giveme something this year rev. horton heat has an x-mas album there's a 'punk' one including the ramones such a variety and so much of it - calypso, too. less sunlight still depressesby josefina
thank you so much for your help in spreading x-mas cd's to my family members. it is just want they asked for and what i need to make my life simple. i personally enjoyed the pop singles, which can be reffered to as bubble gum music which goes well with annie's chewing gum song. corelie satifies my french penchant, and the various websites are entertaining for my 12 year old who wantsby josefina
manu chao nicola conte fela kuti amadou and mariam dandy warhols les calamités stereolab nena lena lovich santana falco plastic bertrand the thought les rita mitsouko martha and the muffins do scottish bands count?by josefina
- Legendary folk rocker Bob Dylan will start a new career as a radio DJ when he launches a new weekly music show on XM Satellite Radio next March. is it worth getting xm just to hear bob?by josefina