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Re: It's a Foetus world

It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 12:34AM
Ira's thread about spotting musicians in Brooklyn got me started on this one:

Good pseudo band names that Jim Thirlwell missed out on? Suggestions?

For those who don't know, Jim Thirlwell is a NYC-based musician who, since the early '80s, has released records under a variety of pseudonyms, most of them involving a humorous/ridiculous use of the word Foetus. Check out the TP entry on Foetus for further details.
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 01:22AM
foetus don't fail us now
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 04:22PM
Foetus Cetera
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 05:17PM
no foetus can beat us
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 07:55PM
Foetus Vox. (When you use the Vox name, younger Foteus fans become agitated.)
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 09:45PM
Everybody's got something to hide, 'cept for me and my foetus...
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 15, 2007 09:48PM
Cletus Foetus and Flash

first single - "We gonna get them Duke boys"
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 16, 2007 08:28PM
Foetus don't fail me now


Feed us don't foetus

(in soviet russia, foetus eat you!)
Re: It's a Foetus world
February 16, 2007 11:44PM

> Feed us don't foetus

dayglo foetus?

deputy foetus haggen
george w foetus

eh, i don't know, he already used the best one (foetus interruptus).
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