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February 13, 2007 10:30PM
what do these lyrics mean?>?

Relax dont do it
When you want to go to it
Relax dont do it
When you want to come
Relax dont do it
When you want to come
When you want to come

if i want to do it shouldn't i try and do it?

MLA Format
dbl spaced
500 words
on my MF desk by Friday morn
Re: wtf
February 13, 2007 10:35PM
"if i want to do it shouldn't i try and do it?"

You may be ready but what about your lady? Takes them longer sometimes. Think about baseball 'n' stuff.
Re: wtf
February 14, 2007 04:11AM
"i'm gay you're gay who cares let's fuck. splodge ensues."

wow, that was some appallingly bad spelling. my apolgigize

Post Edited (02-14-07 20:27)
Re: wtf
February 16, 2007 03:32AM
"splodge ensues"

Would you say ... Splodgenessabounds?
Re: wtf
February 14, 2007 05:30PM
I used to cringe when this song came on in clubs in the 80s. Not because it's gay-sex reference was the most overt in pop history but because it implied that, in gay culture, they actually care about the timing for their partners and I felt jealous. Hetero males have TV they have to watch.

(kidding about half of that and 500 words would undoubtedly focus on the connotations of cultural mediocrity rather than artistic merits)

Re: wtf
February 16, 2007 12:37PM
These lyrics and the fact that Holly Johnson's autobio was titled Bone in My Flute show once and for all that he likes to only *barely* hide behind metaphor, obliquenesss or analogy.
Re: wtf
February 16, 2007 04:04PM
Speaking of these idiots and "WTF?", does anyone besides me recall that FGTH were preposterously referred to (by someone - maybe only themselves) at that time as a heavy metal band?
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