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Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour

Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour
December 10, 2024 02:17PM
Is it worth asking Santa for tickets? I've always been 'meh' about The Fixx but I've liked all the recent side projects I've heard and might be willing to give this a chance.
Re: Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour
December 10, 2024 03:11PM
I saw The Fixx twice -- once opening for A Flock of Seagulls, once as the headliner. Not a bad band onstage, but Curnin's stage patter got annoying ("You know, I still can't get over the fact that I was never asked if I wanted to be born").

Maybe he's matured in the ensuing years, but speaking only for myself, I wouldn't pay the ticket price to find out.
Re: Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour
December 10, 2024 03:19PM
I've seen the Fixx a few times and Cy can at times be rather insufferable but my wife just raves about his clothes. I see he's playing with a couple of others so it won't be just him. He's one of those performers that does talk to the audience and I imagine, he'll do more of that on his solo tour. I would say if you like some of it, then go.
Re: Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour
December 10, 2024 03:23PM
Is he himself?
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Re: Cy Curnin (The Fixx) solo tour
December 11, 2024 07:55AM
I only saw The Fixx once…on the completely insufferable "Synchronicity Tour" with The Police. And he was so insufferable, I never bothered with The Fixx again.

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