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Re: Hunting High And Low

The Luke Haines update
January 16, 2007 01:44PM
Just wondering why the new update of Luke Haines has no mention of Black Box Recorder? I couldn't find them in the reviews section either.
Hunting High And Low
January 16, 2007 02:51PM
While on the recent subject of TP omissions, I always wondered why a-ha never had an entry (at least, not to my knowledge). I recently came across their debut, Hunting High And Low in the used bin and decided to give it a spin again. I always thought that Take On Me surged with enough sentiment and vitality to make it more than mere pop artifice and the even better but far less celebrated The Sun Always Shines On TV is one of the best synth-pop songs of its era. In retrospect, the entire album doesn't seem that far off from some of its more highly regarded brethren. Not that I've been "hunting high and low" for their entry or making a case that they were a great band or anything but unless you think they just flat-out stunk ...

With respect to the "Martins" thread, I offer:

Martin Rev
Marty Thau
George Martin

Re: Hunting High And Low
January 16, 2007 04:47PM
Don't take it personally Black Box Recorder fans, the seriously understaffed TP needs alot of updating, which is where this message board comes in - any of ya'll heard Nina Hagen's '90s albums?
Re: Hunting High And Low
January 21, 2007 01:03AM
"any of ya'll heard Nina Hagen's '90s albums?"


Re: The Luke Haines update
January 21, 2007 01:02AM

Post Edited (01-20-07 21:03)
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