“When the Cramps Played the Napa Psychiatric Hospital”
July 16, 2024 12:40AM
Check out the latest under “Articles”: “When the Cramps Played the Napa Psychiatric Hospital.”
Fortunately, this momentous occasion from 1978 was captured on video. Only 20 minutes long or so, but one of the all-time great moments in rock n roll history.

The article describes the opening band, The Mutants. I’m not familiar with them. Is there video footage of their performance, too? In any case, the fact that they apparently had a song that went “What we need is a new drug, something that we’ve never had before” makes them worth noting, as The
Cramps would rip off/be inspired by this song when they recorded “Some New Kind Of Kick” a few years later. That title would also provide the name of Kid Congo Powers’ memoir from last year.

In any case, cool article from another new title released by Trouser Press Books.
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Re: “When the Cramps Played the Napa Psychiatric Hospital”
July 16, 2024 02:47PM
Now that show would've been a trip to see. (In fact, I'll have to make time to seek out the video.)
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