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A little bit o' alt, an' then a little bit o' boomer ...

A little bit o' alt, an' then a little bit o' boomer ...
September 17, 2023 04:26PM
Just a heads-up, for those who might be interested ... This coming Friday on 20FR, I'll be airing an interview with Art Alexakis of Everclear. The following Friday, it'll be an interview with Colin Blunstone of the Zombies. Both turned out to be really good interviews -- which is a statement on the interviewees, rather than on yours truly. Tune in if you can. (Note: KSER has a new replayer system on its website. It takes a bit of fiddling around and getting used to, but once you do, it's pretty cool.)
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Re: A little bit o' alt, an' then a little bit o' boomer ...
September 18, 2023 01:52AM
Right on! I saw the Zombies on a double bill with Brian Wilson few years ago and it was quite wonderful. They came out en masse to join the Wilson orchestra on "God Only Knows." That's when I said "Boooring! Bathroom break time!" (Haha, NOT.)

I'd been hearing the Zombies on oldies stations since forever, so it was a weird thrill hearing him speak to the crowd in his instantly recognizable light, wispy voice. I was like: he sounds like the singer of the Zombies! That's gotta really be him!
Re: A little bit o' alt, an' then a little bit o' boomer ...
September 18, 2023 12:22PM
Yes indeed! I saw that same tour when it came to Seattle. Colin's vocal on "God Only Knows" was marvelous.

And really, I just could not stop smiling as I listened to Colin talking on Friday. He was in great spirits. He began with a very English "Really looking forward to having a chat." He told me I was the last in a full day of interviews, but I never got the sense that his enthusiasm was waning.

Art Alexakis was a bit different. I was apparently his first interview of the day ... and he had just woken up, only to come face to face with some tour-related headaches. So he wasn't as chipper as Colin. But he was easy to talk to, and the interview went well.
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