R.I.P. Peter Brotzmann
June 23, 2023 11:52AM
The Quietus

I just learned that Peter Brotzmann (saxophone) has died. To my ears / in my world, he was a giant. I am grateful that I got to see him play several times over the years. I will miss him tremendously.
Re: R.I.P. Peter Brotzmann
June 23, 2023 12:03PM
We have an organization here in Austin called Epistrophy Arts that specializes in bringing improvisational and experimental music here, and EA brought Brotzmann over a few times, the last time being in duet with a pedal steel player. Alas, I missed every performance. I was introduced to him through Last Exit, still one of my favorite bands. May he rest in peace.

And on a selfish note, maybe this will finally bring Machine Gun back into print in this country.
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Re: R.I.P. Peter Brotzmann
June 23, 2023 12:15PM
Sorry you missed him when he played in Austin.

I agree with you that Machine Gun is special (I've had my copy of the cd since the early 90s!). Back then, my apartment-mate and I used to joke that we could play that cd loud if we wanted to scare the neighbors.
Re: R.I.P. Peter Brotzmann
June 25, 2023 03:02PM
"As a tribute to the German saxophonist who has died at the age of 82, we [at The Wire] have made David Keenan’s epic two-part 2012 interview, as well as Daniel Spicer’s Primer guide to Brötzmann’s many recordings, free to read in our online library"


FYI they display two pages at a time, and if you click on the 'print' icon at the bottom right, it downloads a nice PDF of the two pages displayed on-screen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2023 03:04PM by belfast.
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