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R.I.P. Alan Rankine

R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 03, 2023 11:21AM
Age 64. "Post-Punk Guitarist" is a job description with a premature mortality rate rivaling "Spinal Tap Drummer."

Notable post-punk guitarists that died way too young:
Ricky Wilson
John McGeoch
Marc Moreland
Andy Gill
Stuart Adamson
Keith Levene
Bob Casale
Marlene Marder
David Roback
Alan Rankine
Peter Laughner (who was of course pre-punk-post-punk)

I feel like there are one or two prominent examples that are escaping me right at the moment.

D. Boon
Hillel Slovak
Matthew Ashman
Bob Stinson
Randall Bewley
Jak Airport
Nikki Sudden

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2023 11:57AM by breno.
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 03, 2023 12:02PM
Robert Quine (who was also pre-post-punk)
Bruce Anderson (his history and tenure makes him pre-punk, but his public profile would put him in the post-punk category)
Ricky Gardiner (whose sound was a big influence on post-punk)
Dave Rosser
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 03, 2023 12:15PM
The king of pre-punk-post-punk, Sterling Morrison.
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 03, 2023 01:23PM
Cha Burns
Rowland S. Howard
Adrian Borland
David McComb
Kevin Armstrong
Jeff Walls
James Honeyman-Scott
Scott Miller
Michael Been
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 03, 2023 04:33PM
I hijacked my own thread, which ought to have been an appreciation of Rankine. His guitar work on The Affectionate Punch was pretty stellar, then as the Associates shifted into more of a synthpop band, his keyboard work was just as thoughtful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2023 04:51PM by breno.
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 04, 2023 07:57AM
It's hard for me to think of Rankine-era Associates as Synthpop, even with the hardware they eventually used. Their music was too prickly, and I think of Synthpop as eager to please. However, I'm thankful that Robin Simon still walks the earth!

Former TP subscriber [81, 82, 83, 84]

For further rumination on the Fresh New Sound of Yesterday®

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2023 07:59AM by Post-Punk Monk.
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 04, 2023 10:45AM
Post-Punk Monk Wrote:
> I'm thankful that Robin Simon still walks the earth!

Considering the names listed in this thread, who else is left?

Smithies and Fielding
Koppes and Willson-Piper
Moginie and Rotsey
Midge Ure
Daniel Ash
David Rhodes
Johnny Marr
The Edge (and Dik Evans for that matter)
Lu Edmonds
Bernard Sumner
Gilbert and Newman
Robert Smith and every other Cure guitarist
Will Sergeant

And many others I'm sure. Never mind, there are still a bunch hanging in there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2023 10:46AM by zoo.
Re: R.I.P. Alan Rankine
January 04, 2023 10:40PM
Peter Buck still lives. Robert Buck does not.
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