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songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies

songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 04, 2022 10:47AM
The new Iggy Pop song sparked a new curiosity for me...not counting Vertigo by U2, there's also:

Frenzy by Iggy Pop
Suspicion by Asia
Psycho by The Sonics
Rope by Foo Fighters
Rich & Strange by Cud
Topaz by The B-52's
Notorious by Duran Duran
Sabotage by Beastie Boys
Stage Fright by Def Leppard
The Wrong Man by Creem
I Confess by The English Beat
Mr. & Mrs. Smith by The Mescaleros
Spellbound by Siouxsie & The Banshees

What are some others?
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 04, 2022 12:07PM
"Torn Curtain" - Television
"Suspicion" - Terry Stafford
"Spellbound" - Rachel Sweet

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2022 12:14PM by breno.
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Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 04, 2022 02:25PM
Closest I can come is:

For the Birds - Juliana Hatfield
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 04, 2022 07:48PM
"Torn Curtain" - Television

I like this one. smiling smiley
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Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 04, 2022 09:41PM
Under Capricorn - Gil Melle
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 10:24AM
Potato 5 featuring Laurel Aitken: "Dial M (for Murder)"
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 02:06PM
"The Thirty-Nine Steps" - Bryan Ferry
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 04:37PM
My wife's favorite folk-rock band, the Nields, did a whole song called "Alfred Hitchcock" about how the movies affected them in childhood. The songwriter later revisited with an eye on the #MeToo era and the misogynistic treatment of the actresses.
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 06:10PM
"Hitchcock" by a Utah vocal group called the Saliva Sisters; they wrote lyrics about his films set to the "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" theme music.
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 09:02PM
Since we’re on the topic, did any of you own the album ‘Alfred Hitchcock’s ghost stories for young people’?

I must’ve listened to it a couple hundred times as a kid… and it always scared the bejeezus out of me!
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 05, 2022 10:56PM
"The Birds" - Elbow
"Spellbound" and "Frenzy" - Split Enz
"Vertigo" -U2
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 06, 2022 12:07AM
“Vertigo” by U2? Feh! The SCREAMERS!
Re: songs that share names with Alfred Hitchcock movies
December 06, 2022 03:48PM
"Dial M for Murder" – Potato 5
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