R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 12, 2022 02:06PM
Sorry to be the bearer of yet more shitty news.
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 12, 2022 02:13PM
Very, very sad. He was a wonderful guitarist. RIP.
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 12, 2022 04:44PM
Holy jeez, is the Grim Reaper keeping busy right now, so he can get more time off during the holidays?
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 12, 2022 08:56PM
I likes me some Hawkwind and Gal Costa, but oooh, this hurts...

Keith Levene was simply one of the all-time greats. I've probably played "Second Edition/Metal Box" more than any other album. His style was amazing - never simply strumming chords, then playin the usual leads like mere mortal guitarists. He practically invented a whole new vocabulary for guitar that few were able to crack, tho The Edge and John McGeoch tried.

Very nice, humble guy. A friend of mine met him when he was living in LA in the '90s (working as a hip-hop producer for Ice T!) and he was quite modest whilst being showered with praise.
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 12, 2022 09:26PM

The greatest moment in the history of American Bandstand, rivalled only by the time Dick Clark foolishly handed his microphone to Ron Mael.
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Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 13, 2022 12:34AM
He’s one the very few who rewrote the rules of his instrument. I’m sorry to see him go so young.
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 13, 2022 12:52AM
Ok, like ten of our last 20 posts have been RIP’s. Arrrgh. This one particularly hurts. I’ll bet the echoes of his guitar sounds are still bouncing around my teenage bedroom.

Oh and the Edge TOTALLY ripped him off on ‘I will follow’!!
Re: R.I.P. Keith Levene
November 13, 2022 03:32AM
Sad on Levene's death. He was one of the Big Three for me with Robin Simon and John McGeoch redefining guitar in the Post-Punk era.. But I always thought that The Edge was ripping off Alan Rankine from Associates.

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