R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 06:53AM
Mr. Loaf has reunited once more with Jim Steinman.
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 09:57AM
Very sad news. Bat Out of Hell is one of my favorite Seventies albums. I remember Tom Snyder accidentally calling him "Meatball" on the old Tomorrow show. RIP.
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 03:31PM
Middle C Wrote:
> I remember Tom
> Snyder accidentally calling him "Meatball" on the
> old Tomorrow show. RIP.
Wow! So Meatloaf was on the Snyder Show? That had to be the seed for the great SCTV sketch where Meatloaf was getting verbally flayed by William F. Buckley on "Firing Squad." I was not a fan of his [or Jim Steinman's] Broadway Rock approach. It was perilously close to Springsteen, albeit with a self-awareness about it. But at least you could tell he had a sense of humor. The sad thing was that millions didn't even see the joke. The fact that millions took him at face value was not his failing, but society's. I did like his few acting turns I saw. "Focus" with William H. Macy in particular.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2022 03:34PM by Post-Punk Monk.
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 10:26AM
Is that the same Tom Snyder who introduced Gene Simmons as the bass player in Kiss -- pronouncing "bass" like the fish? Anyone else suspect Tom made these gaffes deliberately, for fun?
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 11:11AM
Bip, I'm grateful to you for mentioning Meat Loaf's role in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was sitting here trying to figure out how to mention the guy's passing on my show without actually playing any of his music. (I was most decidedly never a fan of his records. When "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" and "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad" came on the radio, I nearly sprained my wrist lunging for the dial to change the station.)
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Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 06:12PM
Snyder was something else, and I was a huge fan. I remember a 1978 show devoted to Punk and Noo Wave in which he told one of his guests--a heavily made-up Kim Fowley--that he looked ridiculous.
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 10:34AM
Yes… the album cover was ridiculously over the top, the songs were ridiculously over-dramatic, the singing is ridiculously theatrical, the the production is ridiculously overblown….and whole thing is ridiculously wonderful.

I’m glad I’ve got the vinyl in my collection. You KNOW the guy had a healthy sense of humor, going by that name. And hey, he was in Rocky Horror. RIP
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Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 10:37AM
Hmm, not sure…That would be hilarious to find out if Snyder MEANT to do stuff like that, Delvin. Especially considering all the ‘serious’ musicians he had on the show.
Re: R.I.P. Meat Loaf
January 21, 2022 11:55PM
Is anyone other than me surprised that Meat Loaf made it to 74? Seriously, between his weight, his drug abuse, and the toll that such extreme ups & downs in his music career could've taken on his psyche ...
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