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Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)

college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 03, 2021 09:29PM

Interestingly enough, the station does in fact have a LOT of Catholic-friendly, non-Satanic programming:

So, they're protesting a college radio station that includes "Thank God for Monday with Brother Greg Cellini and Gina Piro," "The Catholic Cafe," and Sunday mass? Um....I don't think they'll be too happy if *those* shows disappear.

Wow. Just...no words.
Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 04, 2021 09:18PM
Maybe they can satisfy the protesters with a marathon of unblack metal!
Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 04, 2021 09:41PM
WSOU, all-Stryper radio. That’ll learn ‘em.
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Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 05, 2021 04:28PM
I actually think it's kinda cute that there are still squares out there. When I was a kid, there was the likes of the Captain and Tennille, Huey Lewis, etc on one side, and the Dead Kennedys, the Butthole Surfers, et al way, way over on the other side. Fans of the former were shocked! and appalled! at those horrible, demonic rock-and-rollers, who were demonized by popular media thru the '80s. But by the '90s it seemed like everyone wanted to be "alternative" - housewives getting tattoos, conservative media figures using revolutionary rhetoric to describe themselves as "dangerous," etc. So this is a real funny flashback to my youth. The same bands, even! Can't wait til they discover what happens when you play records backwards...
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Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 05, 2021 09:39PM
Many conservatives lost their shit over Lil Nas X's "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)" video, in which he descends to hell and gives Satan a lap-dance (as well as the tie-in limited edition of 666 "Satan shoes".) You'd think pop culture "satanism" would have lost its shock value long ago, but YouTube is filled with reaction videos about the horror of "Montero." Hell, Ben Shapiro made a half hour video last year about Harry Styles destroying masculinity by posing in a magazine cover in a dress, only 50 years after the release of THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WOLRD.
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Re: college radio station under attack (not The Onion)
May 05, 2021 11:03PM
Wow, squares really are coming back? Cool, rock n roll has a purpose again!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2021 11:04PM by MrFab.
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