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Re: Mark Wirtz

Mark Wirtz
December 02, 2020 12:04PM
Any fans of his around here?
Re: Mark Wirtz
December 03, 2020 08:58PM
Because I will always defer to your wisdom, I gave A Teenage Opera a spin. Some fine Euro-cheesy moments like the excellent Love And Occasional Rain and a few head-scratchers like (He's Our Dear Old) Weatherman.
Re: Mark Wirtz
December 05, 2020 10:19AM
And I'll always volley one back over the net (a puny pun that) at you, check out "Love is Eggshaped" from '82. I think it has a rather distinct place on the shelf with other synth pop stuff of the era.

On a side note, an old pally of mine moved out your way he's an iron man trainer. His business goes by "System Jake" as "Bodies by Jake" was already take, look him up when you're ready to get really "fit" We started surfing the Palm Beach area (Reef Road) together back in the seventies.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2020 12:38PM by STEVE.
Re: Mark Wirtz
December 05, 2020 07:09PM
He looks well fit. Maybe he can get the Sea Eagles in shape for season 2021.
Re: Mark Wirtz
December 06, 2020 01:16PM
Ba Dum Tsh!

I remind him that no matter how hard he works out, he will always be that true red headed freckled face kid obsessed with Elvis Costello.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2020 01:25PM by STEVE.
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