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ok, how unsettling is this image?

ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 20, 2006 12:18PM
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 20, 2006 12:28PM
That's surprising, since I definitely feel DOC AT THE RADAR STATION is more of an influence on "Stars Are Blind" than TROUT is.

Although in an odd way this lyric from Trout Mask Replica DOES sort of remind me of her:

When I see you floatin' down the gutter
I'll give you uh bottle uh wine
Put me on the white hook
Back in the fat rack
Shad rack ee shack
The sumptin' hoop the sumptin' hoop
The blimp the blimp
The drazy hoops the drazy hoops
They're camp they're camp
Tits tits the blimp the blimp
The mother ship the mother ship
The brothers hid under their hood
From the blimp the blimp
Children stop yer nursin' unless yer renderin' fun
The mother ship the mother ship
The mother ship's the one
The blimp the blimp
The tapes uh trip it's uh trailin' tail
It's traipse'n along behind the blimp the blimp
The nose has uh crimp
The nose is the blimp the blimp
It blows the air the snoot isn't fair
Look up in the sky there's uh dirigible there
The drazy hoops whir
You can see them just as they were
All the people stir
'n the girls knees trembles
'n run 'n wave their hands
'n run their hands over the blimp the blimp
Daughter don't yuh dare
Oh momma who cares
It's the blimp it's the blimp.

Post Edited (08-20-06 10:33)
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 21, 2006 11:09AM
the anguish and anxiety found on the (great) song always reminded me of radio broadcaster Herb Morrison's immortal audio of the hindenberg's going down at Lakehurst air field; but looking at the lyrics it sure seems phallic

Oh the humanity!
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 21, 2006 04:18PM
log onto goldenfiddle and they have a pic of her holding up a Nuetral Milk Hotel cd too.
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 22, 2006 12:06AM
beefheart is way more left-field...
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 22, 2006 12:38AM
I think the most unsettling part of this whole thing is that apparently Ira is surfing the web for Paris Hilton pix.
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 22, 2006 12:51AM
Who isn't!!

(and who doesn't Google the words Paris-Hilton-Beefheart?)

Post Edited (08-21-06 21:52)
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 22, 2006 01:00AM
Not me! I'm googling Scarlett-Johansson-Holger-Czukay.

(The amazing thing is that actually DOES offer up more matches than you would expect.)

Post Edited (08-21-06 23:34)
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 22, 2006 05:39AM
i'd rather look at it than listen to it...

goes for the chick, too.
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 25, 2006 02:17AM
there IS a sort of fish like resemblance between the two subjects.
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
August 26, 2006 03:06PM
I wonder if she's listened to the c.d., much more appreciated it.

Actually, the image is pretty dadaesque, very surreal in it's unreality.

Post Edited (08-26-06 12:07)
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
September 18, 2006 12:09AM
I smell photoshop here.
Then again, judging by her, um, expression, she looks out-of-it enough that someone could have just slipped her said CD and said "Smile!"
So, what's the Scarlett-Holger link again?
Re: ok, how unsettling is this image?
September 21, 2006 08:34PM
That's hilarious! You might appreciate this:


Post Edited (09-21-06 17:34)

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