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Re: Best of the 80s

Best of the 80s
January 06, 2014 08:39PM
It's up on Slicing Up Eyeballs now. Unsurprisingly, the Cure very nearly swept the top 10. Couldn't really bring myself to read much of the rest of it after seeing that, but it makes me sad I didn't bother to cast my token vote for Two Nuns And A Pack Mule as the best album of the decade.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 07, 2014 12:00AM
Even more shocking to me is that Depeche Mode, a mediocre entry if there ever was one, had two in the top 10. Even if you're going with the line of popularity in that list, I'd think New Order would have supplanted at least one of those.

Post Edited (01-06-14 20:00)
Re: Best of the 80s
January 07, 2014 04:25PM
The site administrator said in the comments that he was surprised that there wasn't another Smiths album in the top 10, since stories about the Cure and the Smiths get far and away the most traffic on the site.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 07, 2014 10:04PM

Even more shocking to me is that Depeche Mode, a mediocre entry if there ever was one, had two in the top 10. Even if you're going with the line of popularity in that list, I'd think New Order would have supplanted at least one of those.

New Order simply wasn't as readily identifiable as A Lifestyle Signifier as Depeche Mode was. Think about it ... you could look at certain drippy little goths back in the 80s and just know that they were into DP Depeche Mode.


And maybe Yaz and/or Erasure while you're at it.

Refresh my memory. What was "the New Order look" again?


Spell Check Hilarity: It wants to correct "Depeche" to "Deepish." Is that not Totally Perfect?

Post Edited (01-09-14 15:38)
Re: Best of the 80s
January 07, 2014 05:15PM
Re: Best of the 80s
January 07, 2014 11:35PM
Listening to Depeche Mode's "Fly on the Windscreen" on Sirius w/wife and kids last weekend...

Me: I don't know that there's an act that's managed to be this popular over this length of time that's recorded as many songs that even they would never want to perform again, let alone hear a second time...
Her: No, wait, that's...
Me: ...
Her: I mean, think about...
Me: Okay, let's remove the Stones from this conversation, because they're in a class of one.
Her: Yeah, okay, but...
Me: Wait! Duran Duran!

Things went up a notch after that, tension-wise.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 17, 2014 12:15AM
Not to be a stickler in the mud, but London Calling is late 1979, Delvin.

Proper album-wise, I'd go with The Feelies' The Good Earth. Not my all time favorite, but it's become part of my DNA over the years.

Given the opportunity to fudge, New Order's Substance compilation wins in a landslide. I've yet to go a week without listening to at least part of Substance over the past 27 years.

As long as we're bending the rules, Prince & The Revolution's officially-unreleased Dream Factory (much of which appeared in one form or another on Sign O' The Times) would be my clear winner...
Re: Best of the 80s
January 12, 2014 12:29PM

Yikes! - No Flip Your Wig or Get Happy!! both of which would be no brainers for my top 10 (maybe even top 5) and are probably my fave records overall from each artist.

A bit surprised that Psychocandy is that high, though I'm not displeased about it ........as opposed to say Bleach being that high.

Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 04:02AM
You are allowed ONE album from the 1980s. Just one.

Which one do you choose?
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 12:24PM
HollowbodyKay wrote:

> You are allowed ONE album from the 1980s. Just one.
> Which one do you choose?

New Gold Dream
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 12:55PM
I'd probably go with Daydream Nation, btw. Double album and all that.

If we agree to forbid double albums (and I'm not suggesting that we do so), then gimme Sister.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 04:26PM
Double Nickels On The Dime
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 05:45PM
Jacobites' Ragged School. Which I guess is cheating, actually, since it's the early 'aughts reissue to which I'm referring.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 11:40PM

My first instinct was HATFUL OF HOLLOW, but it's technically a compilation.

It's almost impossible for me to choose between SANDINISTA! and HOUNDS OF LOVE.

HOUNDS is my true love and is closer to my Romantic self-image, but SANDINISTA! is (accidentally) almost as evocative and enigmatic, it's breadth and diversity is probably better for me (mmm, green vegetables,) and as a triple LP it gets the pragmatic edge. And I love it too, I really do.

Surprising to me, but I pick SANDINISTA!

Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 04:37PM
London Calling.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 16, 2014 05:22PM
What a hellish question to have to consider.

I don't know that I'd call it my favorite album from the '80s, but the one that keeps dragging me back on at least a monthly basis after 30 years and keeps me fascinated from beginning to end is Dazzle Ships. There's a mystery to that album that I'm still nowhere near figuring out.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 17, 2014 02:15AM
its always so good to see you rhett (proof of prayers answered),
but honest to god if i bon't believe, the eighties belong to TOM TOM CLUB
Re: Best of the 80s
January 17, 2014 02:32AM
Wait a sec....why isn't anything from SST (specifically Meat Puppets and Dinosaur, Jr.) in the Top 10? Why *isn't* JAMC higher? Or Flip Your Wig? Or Double Nickels - most people don't realize how much Minutemen (moreso than fIREHOSE) shows up on so much music. And, where oh where is The Fall's Hex Induction Hour or The Church's Starfish? No disrespect to anyone, but Slicing Up Eyeball's lists are getting screwier than the voting process on American Idol. There. I said it. I can sleep now.
Re: Best of the 80s
January 17, 2014 03:19AM
Where are all those great bands?

Sucking eggs, while Depeche Mode and The Cure hog up the spots on the list, that's where.
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