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Re: Insert Yanni Joke Here

Insert Yanni Joke Here
March 07, 2006 11:22PM
Ok, domestic abuse isn't funny. But, Yanni being arrested for domestic abuse is at least funny in the "strange" sense of the word.....What's next? John Tesh arrested for buying smack? Two immediate questions come to mind - Can Yanni also be charged criminally for his music career? How long do you think a guy like Yanni would last in prison? Hmmmmm

Re: Insert Yanni Joke Here
March 11, 2006 03:37PM
Heh, i find it amusing enough that you mention him. I didn't even know he split up with that actress wife of his.

Re: Insert Yanni Joke Here
March 14, 2006 09:02PM
No, you're right, it's funny. I was in Mexico recently and it was front page news (en espanol, natch), which was freaking hilarious.

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Post Edited (03-14-06 17:51)
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