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Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening

Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 20, 2013 07:54PM
anyone know if they have any plans to tour?
Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 20, 2013 08:52PM
I thought they were ancient history, with Calvin long since having moving on to Dub Narcotic Sound System and other things. False rumour?
Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 24, 2013 02:19AM
Calvin Johnson - 2013 Tour Dates
05/21/13 Cambridge, MA Elks Lodge w/ Arrington de Dionyso's Malaikat dan Singa, Chain & The Gang
05/22/13 Brooklyn, NY Ran Tea House w/ Arrington de Dionyso's Malaikat dan Singa, Chain & The Gang, Erin Earthling
05/25/13 Cleveland, OH Survival Kit Gallery w/ Erin Earthling
05/26/13 Chicago, IL Co-Prosperity Sphere w/ Hunter & Josh
05/28/13 Minot, ND Laughterhouse United States
Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 29, 2013 04:45PM
I am just outside of Cambridge...wish I had paid closer attention to my own thread . hadnt a clue he was playing locally the next day . Ha!
Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 24, 2013 02:08PM
Minot? Seriously? Who did Calvin piss off to get stuck with a booking there?

Re: Is any "Beat Happening" happening
May 24, 2013 02:16PM
Are there any big Beat Happening fans here? Indian Summer and Our Secret are pretty much all I need. Are there any other great songs in that catalog? This Band Could Be Your Life made it seem like Calvin was kind of a douchebag.

p.s. Personal clarification: My son is named after the character Calvin from the movie Barbershop, not Calvin Johnson.
And my son isn't named after any particular Elliot, although I do like both Elliott Smith (whose name was misspelled, because he took it from Elliott Street in Southeast Portland) and T.S. Eliot (whose name was misspelled, and I don't know why).
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