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Re: Every Noise At Once

Every Noise At Once
May 07, 2013 07:21PM
My friend glenn mcdonald's playable "map" of all music is an amazing feat of technology and musicology.


Read the comments at the bottom for something of an explanation:

This is an algorithmically-generated non-analytical map of the musical genre-space. Genres and artists are positioned by code and data, adjusted for legibility, but the underlying vectors are less interesting than the juxtapositions and clusters that they produce, so the axes have been deliberately left unlabeled and uncalibrated. You are invited to imagine your own qualities and magnitudes that the geometry might be expressing.

Click anything to hear an example of what it sounds like.
Click the » on a genre to see a map of its artists.
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 08, 2013 12:54AM
I'd like to say this is really awesome, except I don't hear anything when I click on a genre, and I don't see the » to click and view a map of the genre's artists.

Perhaps I'll try again later in another browser.
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 08, 2013 01:34AM
Well, that is important. It works in Firefox and Safari, for certain.
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 08, 2013 02:57PM

I'd like to say this is really awesome, except I don't hear anything when I click on a genre

Please make sure that the genre isn't "Music For Dogs."
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 08, 2013 04:47PM
Works in Chome.

Who knew there were so many goregrind bands?
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 09, 2013 12:34PM
I would have guessed he invented some of those genre names. But they may actually exist. "Vaporwave"? "Martial Industrial"? "Turbo Folk?"
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 09, 2013 03:25PM
We had an Austin band for a while that called their music "flag wave."
Re: Every Noise At Once
May 08, 2013 04:41PM
pretty damn cool. going to lose a lot of time in this though....
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