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Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...

So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 22, 2013 11:16PM
Not really. . . but there is this thing on Sonic Youth, Kim Gordon, and the demise of her marriage. I found myself reading it. . .
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 23, 2013 12:25AM
Kudos to Ms. Gordon for taking the high road, more or less.
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 23, 2013 11:44AM
Man, Thurston had an affair ?! That sucks. Booooo, Thurston! We expected better from you.

p.s. My RS friend Jon Dolan was name-checked in this article. He is described as "flinty". What does this mean exactly?
Well, you would want to keep him away from anyone stony. Things might get firey.
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 24, 2013 05:08PM

Man, Thurston had an affair ?! That sucks. Booooo, Thurston! We expected better from you.

Perhaps older musicians have trouble distinguishing between "affairs" and "side projects?"
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 27, 2013 02:14PM
And here's a fascinating deconstruction of the article and its implications for modern journalism here:


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Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
April 29, 2013 12:14AM
i dont wanna sound as if i'm knocking kim's roasted chicken or anything, but i wonder if she has other chicken dish recepies?

Post Edited (04-28-13 21:18)
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
May 06, 2013 07:25PM
I am having a hard time with the fact that she is 60 . Christ.
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
May 24, 2013 08:57PM
i still would......
Re: So I was reading Elle magazine...
May 26, 2013 02:37PM
The Quietus piece is thoughtful and sensible, but a bit naive. One job of editors is to find the most compelling aspect of an article and use it to hook readers. Now in the twitter age, that may <I>become </i> the article to many readers, but that is the fault of millions, not one Elle editor.
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