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Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever

Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 09:30AM
I hope Fishbone can ride this to a Top 10 single.

Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 12:41PM

Has Bachmann's camp responded?
Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 04:42PM
It was pretty brilliant. I kinda doubt Fishbone will see it run up the charts though, unless they do a Cee-Lo-style re-recording of it as "Lyin' Halfwit".
Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 08:37PM
Yep she responded, and it sounds like she's trying to milk the "victim" bit for all it's worth:


Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 11:23PM
She's behind in the polls.
Any publicity .....
Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 23, 2011 11:33PM
So, would they have played the same song if Hillary Clinton was the guest?
Re: Greatest Musical Prank Ever
November 24, 2011 03:05AM
Probably "Properties of Propaganda (Fuk This Shit On Up)" off Monkey.
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