May 28, 2004 02:06PM
I'm one of these who likes to discover my own artistes then stake a claim on them The idea is to not only collect their work but make contact and over the years I've met over 50 who are all usually knocked out they have in the cases of Americans,an English fan.
I discovered Ginny Wright in the mid 80s after finding an LP which was made in Germany,where a 2nd one was issued a year later.These 2 LPs are now out of print. Ginny was a famous country singer in the 50s and was more or less pre Brenda Lee and pre Patsy Cline.She recorded in the early 5os a series of stone country singles mostly duets with stars like Jim Reeves and Tom Tall.In the 60s Ginny's music developed into more of a Nashville sound and she also made a Gospel album.
In 2001 Ginny discovered me because I'd posted some pics of her onto my Virginia Astley site on Photobox which was about a dozen girl singers all called Virginia.
We became close penfriends and I actually stayed with her on 2 occasions at her home in Georgia,where I put up her Yahoo groups.
By this time Ginny's music was available on CD,manufactured in California but I'm responsible for making copies when we get orders.
So far more have been given away,many to other artistes I contacted.
My latest "finds" are Dulcie Younger and Penelope Houston who I have a CD to send to shortly.

Richard Astley-Clemas
November 22, 2005 11:16AM
In 1955, a duet on Abbott Records:
Herb Henson and Joyce Yours.

I don't recall the name of the two songs offhand (It's on the web; Abbott Records discography) but both songs were co-written by Ginny Wright. Since I can find nothing on "Joyce Yours" I suspect she is in reality Ginny Wright.

November 17, 2006 12:12AM
No its not Ginny-Fabor had dozens of little known artists who sometimes made just one single.
I saw this single when I stayed with her and she gave me a pile of her records I never knew she'd made-she had tapes of her own demos some of which I made copies of

Richard Astley-Clemas
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