September 09, 2009 01:39PM
09/09/09. A perfect time to discuss the band 999! Love their tune Emergency and some other ones. They should get on some talk show in Britain today. Hell, everyone there should listen to 999 today.
Re: 999
September 09, 2009 03:14PM
I was just listening to that Rancid album ...Out Come the Wolves, which uses the "Dial 999" refrain over and over.
Re: 999
September 09, 2009 03:22PM
In our 10th grade Algebra II class in 1983, my buddy Joey and I declared today to be "R.E.M. Day" in honor of the song "9-9" on Murmur. For 26 years now, we've kept it a running joke and often scramble to see who can be the first one to send the other the obligatory "Happy goddamn R.E.M. Day" e-mail.

But at Hoip's suggestion, I may well pull out my copy of The Biggest Prize In Sport and give it a listen tonight to see if it's as crappy as I remember it being....
Re: 999
September 09, 2009 03:30PM
Well, I was in Algebra II at the same time you were. I hope your experience was better then mine. I have more than one friend who updated their Facebook statuses to the R.E.M. reference. Nice to know some things stay the same.
Re: 999
September 09, 2009 03:43PM

later, Curly from the 3 stooges took over lead singer duties


Post Edited (09-09-09 12:49)
Re: 999
September 10, 2009 11:39AM

That was horrible.
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