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Re: Momofuku

May 06, 2008 02:06PM
Anyone heard this new Costello album yet? I'm definitely looking forward to hearing it, as soon as I figure out if I can actually track down a copy, since its endlessly evolving release plan has left me bewildered to say the least.

Intrigued to hear Pete Thomas' daughter's Costello drumming debut. I liked her band's album but have misplaced it somewhere and not listened to it in a while.
Re: Momofuku
May 06, 2008 02:39PM
The LP was released about two weeks ago, the CD is out today. Reviews in the The NY Times and on the All Music Guide have been positive...
Re: Momofuku
May 06, 2008 04:50PM
Yes, supposedly the CD is out today. None of the four places I scurried to during lunch had a copy, although their computer terminals all assured me they did.

Much as I wish to support the locals, I may have to go to Amazon for this.
Re: Momofuku
May 06, 2008 06:46PM
Lost Highway is streaming it, and I've been listening to it there:

LH now has Elvis, Van Morrison, Ryan Adams, and Lucinda Williams. Interesting.
Re: Momofuku
May 08, 2008 01:29AM
Best Elvis album in over a decade. Add Costello to the list of people who needs to every so often just bash an album out quickly without giving himself a chance to over-think it.
Re: Momofuku
May 31, 2008 03:22PM
I like this album a lot too - been getting a lot of play the last couple weeks at casa de mats84. Not sure it's better than "When I Was Cruel" which I liked too but maybe that one was too long.

What's the last indisputably great EC record - "Blood & Chocolate" maybe?

That would be it for me I think. I love that album, especially it's first side.

Post Edited (05-31-08 12:28)
Re: Momofuku
June 01, 2008 01:55AM

Momofuku is definitely EC's best in many a bespectacled moon.

I'm very glad that one of my musical heroes from my high school days is still in the game, and still coming up with songs I look forward to hearing him play live — not just resting on his back catalog. Would love to see him when he comes through Colorado again this summer, but he happens to be touring as The Police's opening act. Too much for my budget this year.

But EC's last truly great album, IMO? Yeah, probably Blood & Chocolate.

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