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Re: New forum tags

New forum tags
February 07, 2008 02:52AM
You may have noticed the gray bar containing a bunch of buttons above the forum message area. They're here to help you format your text without actually having to type in various forum-specific tags.

For example, click on the <i>, insert some text between the tags, and that text will be italicized. Or you could do the same with the <b> button and bold your text.

The <u> button will help you underline words.

Want to center something? Well ...

Click the center button

To set text off from the rest of the body, use the quote button, like so:


The lights are growing dim Otto. I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.

Want to insert a link? Click the <a> button. You'll be asked for the link itself and the text you want linked. Enter "[www.trouserpress.com"]; in the first field and "Trouser Press" in the second, and you'll get Trouser Press. (Note: In IE7, you'll get a "This website is using a scripted window ..." message, and you'll have to give permission to see the info prompt for this tag and the <img> tag.)

You can divide portions of your message by inserting a line with the hr button:

You can also strikethrough with the s button.

To insert an image, click the <img> button and, at the prompt, enter the image URL (http://www.theheckler.com/news/articlefiles/25-SteveAlbini.jpg in this case) to see your image:

I hope this makes things easier, and by all means, let me know if there's anything wrong ...

Re: New forum tags
February 07, 2008 07:10AM
Now if only I could get my precious tags for ordered and unordered lists....

Re: New forum tags
February 07, 2008 05:03PM
I dig it! I was finally able to bold a word in a post just now, instead of just capitalizing it as I'd always done in the past. Nice work.
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