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Re: Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu

Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu
February 05, 2008 01:49AM
Why, it was merely a couple of weeks back that I was at the NYC Library attending a Jack Kerouac event at which David Amram and Patti Smith performed and I was introduced over drinks to a couple of gals who looked too young to have been there but had done serious time in the NY club scene c. 1976. Anyways, the recollections flew fast and furious and i brought up Max's bar menu, for which I wished a copy, because all of the cocktails on offer were thoughtfully and (a)ptly named for bands who regularly rocked the club. So then i ordered meself a copy of the estimable Handsome Dick Manitoba's Punk Rock Book of Lists -- and don't get me started on the fact that ol' pal didn't think to invite me to contribute to his tome in any way whatever, but it's ok, i forgive him -- and there on page 91, thanks to the packratting genius of the equally estimable Miriam Linna (who also does not look anywheres near old enough to have been there when she was .... must-a let some wee nippers in the hallowed doors back then), there's the ver-i-same list o' libations:

including (drum roll...)

Suicide (green chartreuse and 151 proof rum -- on fire!)
Milk 'n' Cookies -- brandy milk punch with a cookie
Tuff Dart (rip Jeff Salen) vodka-licorice combo
Just Water -- gin, Cointreau, 7-Up
Mink DeVille -- orange-rum-flavored Coke
Fast - tequila gone bananas

anyway, you get the drift, and i'm just awash in punk nostalgia (er.....)
Re: Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu
February 05, 2008 02:30AM
I absolutely have to go there!
Re: Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu
February 05, 2008 05:13AM
You mean THIS drink menu?

Yow...some of those drinks look downright nasty....

Re: Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu
February 05, 2008 12:25PM
A pitcher of Wayne County punch sounds like an evening about to culminate...in something.
Re: Max's Kansas City Drinks Menu
February 05, 2008 12:05PM
jeez, i haven't seen one of those in 30+ years....memories...

thank you!
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