Carbon/Silicon on Fresh Air
January 29, 2008 06:15PM
If Fresh Air hasn't aired on NPR in your area yet today, give it a listen - it's an interview with Mick Jones & Tony James about Carbon/Silicon, the Clash, Gen X & Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Good stuff, then there's a review of that new Chinese punk collection that Martyn Atkins has put together, which was also pretty informative.

If you've missed it, they have a podcast. Definitely worth a listen.
Re: Carbon/Silicon on Fresh Air
January 30, 2008 11:56PM
I listened to the interview on Fresh Air's website yesterday at []. It was really good. Even better were the songs that were played. It was surprising to hear how good these guys still are. After that I immediately downloaded their mini LP The Crackup Suite off the band's website.

Re: Carbon/Silicon on Fresh Air
January 31, 2008 01:03AM
What surprised me the most was how willing Tony James was to answer every question she directed at Mick Jones. He just really jumped in whether Mick was speaking or not.

Which was fine, as his answers were really entertaining. It just got kind of funny after a while.
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