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Re: Ten favorite XTC songs

Ten favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 02:05AM
This one's for real too. In no particular order (other than the one they appear in on your computer screen):

Garden of Earthly Delights
River of Orchids
Wrapped in Grey
Life Begins at the Hop
Making Plans for Nigel
Respectable Street (particularly the live version on Urgh! A Music War)
No Thugs in Our House
Generals and Majors
No Language in Our Lungs
Battery Brides (the live version from the December 1980 Hammersmith Palais show, on Transistor Blast: The BBC Sessions)
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 02:34AM
Perfect pop:

Dear God
Life Begins at the Hop
We're All Light
I'm the Man Who Murdered Love
Senses Working Overtime
Making Plans for Nigel
Respectable Street
Mayor of Simpleton
Generals and Majors
Summer's Cauldron

Fifteen favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 03:03AM
"Respectable Street"
"Generals and Majors"
"Living through Another Cuba"
"Love at First Sight"
"Rocket from a Bottle"
"No Language in Our Lungs"
"Towers of London"
"Paper and Iron (Notes and Coins)"
"Burning with Optimism's Flames"
"Sgt. Rock (Is Going to Help Me)"
"Travels in Nihilon"


"This Is Pop"
"Statue of Liberty"
"Meccanic Dancing (Oh We Go!)"
"Making Plans for Nigel"

Post Edited (08-24-07 00:04)
Re: Eleven favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 03:22AM
Life Begins at the Hop
Making Plans for Nigel
My Weapon
Generals and Majors
Rocket From a Bottle
Senses Working Overtime
Love on a Farmboy's Wages
All You Pretty Girls
Earn Enough For Us
My Bird Performs
Mayor of Simpleton
Re: Eleven favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 10:16AM
1. Reel By Reel
2. That's Really Super, Supergirl
3. King For a Day
4. Earn Enough for Us
5. Helicopter
6. Grass
7. Living through Another Cuba
8. All You Pretty Girls
9. The Mayor Of Simpleton
10. I’d Like That

Honorable mention: "Cherry Tree" (Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego sountrack)
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 10:14AM
ok, from memory i would say

1.respectabe street
2.harvest festival
3.earn enough for us
5.making plans for nigel
6.river of orchids
7.the disappointed
8.summer cauldron
9.garden of earthly delights
10.your dictionary
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 11:23AM
Just listing, no order.

1. Mayor of Simpleton
2. Heaven Is Paved With Broken Glass
3. No Thugs In Our House
4. Senses Working Overtime
5. Life Begins At The Hop
6. Green Man
7. Stupidly Happy
8. The Disappointed
9. Helicopter
10. Love At First Sight

How does one stop at 10 with this band, and when will the entry be updated?
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 24, 2007 11:20PM
Nobody mentioned the best XTC Song. "The Beating of Hearts" off of Mummer. I crank my I-Pod every time that comes on.

I love how he pronounced Rattling Swords...
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 25, 2007 12:08AM
Agree with Blasmo: Hard to pick just ten favorite/great XTC songs. Same goes for Robyn Hitchcock/The Soft Boys.

That's why I posted those suggestions for lists: because I care. Probably not as passionately as Erik, but yes, I do care.
Re: Ten favorite XTC songs
August 25, 2007 12:53AM
too drunk to fuck
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